Mind Control

The word Government implies mind control.

Govern= Control
Ment. = Mind

The way I see the universe is all is light vibration & Energy.

Each Celestial being has its own vibration in The English language the seven days of the week are named after the most important Celestial beings.

TuesdayMarsThe God Tyr orTiwaz
WednesdayMercuryThe God Woden
ThursdayJupiterThe God Thor
FridayVenusThe Godess Freya

These celestial beings continually send their vibrations to Earth a Human means God Man, each one of us is a receiver for these energies, like a radio, the vibration we receive for all of Humanity is therefore the same. It is the way we interpret as individuals these energies mainly due to our social conditioning, so we all have the possibility to receive the same energy we send into the world our own interpretation of these energies.

In our world we now have 3G, 4G, 5G Radio frequencies TV frequencies & many other radio frequencies interfering with Divine Frequencies.

In order to offset this interference may I suggest using the Hindu Mantras for the above planets this will help you harmonise with the Universe. Instead of Meditating to create a beautiful Reality this will create a BEAUTIFUL YOU!! Once you are beautiful & feeling that way then you will be abundant & creating a beautiful reality on automatic!!

Please support me by buying my book Evolve Beyond the Matrix an Ancient Path to Paradise.